What is Your Language of Love? Know all about 5 Love Languages

The importance of language in expressing ourselves is historically and scientifically proven. Similarly, the most beautiful emotion, 'love', has to have its own language for every individual; it is how they love and want to be loved. 


The most unique feature of love is that it happens differently to everyone. Everyone feels the emotion and express it differently. Therefore, understanding love language is crucial to think that you are loved by someone whose love language may differ from yours. Then it will all make sense, and you will be at peace. Understanding the difference in love languages between you and your partner is a crucial factor of met-art.

So let us see what the five love languages are. 


  1. Words of affirmation  

Are you that cheesy partner who loves saying "I love you" so often and hearing it back even more? Then your love language may be words of affirmation. It does not only associate with "I love you" but every form of verbal expression that speaks loudly about how much you love them, what they mean to you etc. 


  1. Quality time 

In the first example, your partner's love language was quality time. Nothing can make them happier than their partner making time for them exclusively and spending good time with them while providing undivided attention. 



  1. Physical touch

Third, love language is physical touch, where a person expresses and feels love through skin-to-skin contact. It has nothing to do with sensuality or met-art; they need physical contact to feel connected and understood.


  1. Acts of service 

This specific form of love language is precisely opposite to that of the first one. This language appreciates selfless and thoughtful acts that make the other person feel warm, loved and cared for. For example, making them a cup of coffee or jumping into the scene when they need help is forms this language.  


  1. Receiving gifts 

This final language of love does not define gold diggers. Love language works both ways, which means whose way of feeling loved is through receiving gifts; their form of expression will also be the same, giving gifts. They seek to find meaning behind gifts. That's how they weigh the value of the gift. Even getting them a bunch of flowers, a book, or a handwritten note can bring the brightest smile to their face.